Brit Rock reunion in Sebastopol....

Sometimes one never knows what the universe has in mind for you. Sometimes we know what we want and we work towards it through years of education, and training. However, sometimes whatever 'it' is literally lands in your hand. Regarding me and photography....the latter was the way my journey happened. Until then, I was a typographic designer by trade and oil painter for life. My day job back then was in radio. Then I met someone who literally put a camera in my hand and in that moment, I discovered the joy of music photography. Fifteen+ years ago I met a group of people that turned out to be my tribe in Northern California. The person that I met first was a Brit from Sunderland UK, Davy. He is responsible for introducing me to this lovely group of friends that I've had since I moved here from England. David 'Davy' Alder is total music lover (and musicologist). His head is chock full of interesting musical tidbits. These bits of music information he used to broadcast on air on the Krush, Wednesday nights, in the highest rated radio show Sonoma County had with 'KRSH UK'. He was a natural. Davy started off as a drummer, but has been the lead singer in these two local british rock bands, as well as several Tom Petty bands in Florida. Patchwork Orange, plays a great mix of Brit rock tunes, from The Stones to The Who. This band was originally called Snow Globe Patrol which morphed into the name Patchwork Orange, (thought to sound more 'West County'). The other band is Robert Butlers' brain child, a fab, fun Beatles sing-a-long band called, Pepperland. The two pair well together both musically and by way of the warm connected friendships they share.

Way back in the beginning, more than 15 years ago, I started taking photos because Davy put his Nikon camera in my hand and asked me to come along and shoot their gigs. I remember the first time holding the camera and not even knowing which button to press to take the photo! After David explained his camera a bit, and how to work it, I soon started shooting music. I realized quickly that I love this art of combining music with photography, and I've not looked back since! From that time onward, it was rare for me to be at a gig without Davys' camera. Then he left for England for a couple weeks to see his dad and took his camera gear with him. It was during that time that I realized I really missed the camera and I loved taking pictures at gigs. It was then that I knew that I needed to invest in some camera gear, asap. So, by the time Davy returned from the UK, I had my own gear and that was the beginning of my music photography career.

Through the years, these two bands have always shared a few members that played in both bands, so the changeover whilst playing together was fairly simple. Robert Butler who is the 'special sauce' to a handful of great bands around here also played in Patchwork Orange and the Fossgreens (Jane and Kent) were regulars in both as well.

Kent came in a few years later, after his wife, Jane was already a regular member in both of the bands. And through the years, even their son, Josh has also played as a special guest alongside his folks. At one very memorable Pepperland show about a decade ago at Aubergine, Josh Fossgreen played a stunning version of Elenor Rigby solo on his bass. I remember it well to this day as it was flawless and extraordinary!

In the last few years we lost two band members, Steve Buck and Will Campbell. After the passing of Will Campbell (guitarist in both bands), Vince Szydlowski (below) took the guitar parts, and after Steve Buck (keys for Pepperland) passed away, Vince also took the keyboard parts. We miss both of our friends, Steve and Will, and their contributions and presence in both bands. As these bands are made up of all friends, not only do they play together but we all hung out together too. More like an extended family. And it's with these two groups of friends and musicians, I got my first taste of life as a music photographer. I am so very grateful to these pals for allowing me to shoot hundreds of photos of them both privately at our homes, jamming at gatherings, dinner parties and at so many venues from their gigs throughout the years.

Annually, Pepperland has played a special Christmas time gig, always to packed audiences. It became a 'sing-a-long' holiday tradition. This year they were back! Not only did past band members join in the reunion but I also noticed so many people in the audience that I haven't seen for years return to celebrate this special night of music. Many out of towners flew in for this celebration of friends and music. Davy and his wife Kate came in from Florida, also Vince and newcomer Joe came up from LA, Robin Zickel (drummer for Pepperland) came down from Ukiah.

Our friend Aggy from Portland and several others came in from out of town to be part of this love gathering of friends and music.
That night at the HopMonk in Sebastopol, Patchwork Orange played first with it's powerful combination of all British Rock. Banging out tunes from The Who, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Starting traditionally with The Whos', Squeezebox. Patchwork Orange always provides a plethora of great timeless tunes for our listening pleasure. Then Pepperland took the stage for the traditional sing-a-long fun that they create with The Beatles catalogue of music. Though the music was a one night only, the tribe reunited for a couple of glorious days of fun and laughs. Reminiscing of the gigs, escapades, laughs and fun of times gone by.

'Twas lovely to see both audience members, friends and bands mates reunited for this magical night of musical joy!

If I could've measured all the love in the Abbey, both in the audience and on the stage that night, it would have broken all records! And seeing the love and chemistry onstage between Davy and Jane and Robert and Davy playing together again, was so heartwarming. As well as the
warm connections between all the different combinations of the players and friends on that stage at the HopMonk on this night.
When I edited my photos from the show, all the love that was present that night was very apparent because it penetrated my lens! And as we all know...the camera does not lie.
The photo below of me shooting David onstage has been replicated so many times throughout the years. This one was shot by Matt Stevens at this show. Everyone starts somewhere and this photo (below) perfectly depicts my start into music photography.
A big thank you, with a boatload of gratitude goes out to David Alder for that day many moons ago when he put a camera in my hands and told me to shoot. 🙏🏼 🎵 📸

Pepperland (and friends)... © Cheryl Alterman Photography 2024
Patchwork Orange © Cheryl Alterman Photography 2024