A Soul Recharge for the New Year.
A friend sent me this great book last week that I enjoy daily. It's called, A Daily Dose of Sanity by Alan Cohen. The entry below is from todays reading, January 4. I want to share this entry because it touched me, as it's about a musician that shares his talents to a street full of busy people. There is so much greatness around us every day that we pass by and don't really take the time to take in. After all it's the little pleasures in life that add up. We can learn to recognize these pleasures and turn them into a true abundance of joy. There is un recognized talent everywhere. Whether it be writers, poets, songwriters, musicians or hundreds of other inate or learned skills in people walking amongst us. Many artists are naturally talented from birth. It's just in them. Scientists, mathematicians, athletes, physicians as well. There's also those who learn so well they can be at the top of their fields in so many ways. Wonderful teachers, and doctors are out there everywhere. We just have to be in the right place at the right time to experience their greatness. As I attend lots of live music, I always love when an opening act that I've never heard of surprises me with an amazing set. So many fab little gifts in life! The following is a short tale of a violinist sharing his talent to those passers by who do not recognize greatness or cannot afford or allow themselves the time from their busy-ness to stop and take it in. We have a gift of 86,400 moments per day that we can choose to make the best minutes possible. If only "we stop and smell the roses' as the saying goes. Now that we are in a new year - I want to make the most of the opportunities that each sacred moment offers me. If you'd like to get the book for yourself or someone else, please click here: https://amzn.to/40kKxjz Enjoy....
